Multi-Asset Shielded Pools (MASP)
MASP Swap Circuit

MASP Swap Circuit

MASP key structure:

Each MASP participant has a set of keys of the following form:

masp light

Note: (sk, ak) form a secret/public keypair which can be used to make EdDSA signatures. These EdDSA signatures can then be verified inside a ZKP (circomlib provides templates for this).

Updated Record Structure

The MASP key is used in the commitment (record) that is inserted into the MASP’s Merkle tree.

InnerPartialRecord = Poseidon(blinding)
PartialRecord = Poseidon(DestinationChainId, PublicKey_X, PublicKey_Y, InnerPartialRecord)
Record = Poseidon(AssetId, TokenId, Amount, PartialRecord)

Swap User Mechanics

masp light
  1. Alice wants to exchange 1 webbBTC (assetId = 1, tokenId = 0) for Bob’s 10 webbETH (assetId = 2, tokenId = 0) as long as the swap occurs between time t and tPrime.

    a. Alice has a Record worth 1.5 webbBTC under her public key that she wants to use for the swap. This is known as Alice’s spend Record.
    b. Alice creates a change Record under her public key worth 0.5 webbBTC.
    c. Alice creates the Record to receive 10 webbETH under her public key. This is known as Alice’s receive Record.
    d. Bob similarly creates spend, change, and receive records.
masp light
  1. They then send the following details/proof inputs about these Records to a semi-trusted relayer. The relayer makes the swap ZKP and submits it on-chain.

    a. These inputs include a signature of the so-called swap message hash (aliceChangeRecord, aliceReceiveRecord, bobChangeRecord, bobReceiveRecord, t, t'). This is precisely the data the relayer can tamper with so we have Alice and Bob sign them with their sk.

    // Swap message is (aliceChangeRecord, aliceReceiveRecord, bobChangeRecord, bobReceiveRecord, t, t')
    // We check a Poseidon Hash of message is signed by both parties
      signal input aliceSpendAssetID;
      signal input aliceSpendTokenID;
      signal input aliceSpendAmount;
      signal input aliceSpendInnerPartialRecord;
      signal input bobSpendAssetID;
      signal input bobSpendTokenID;
      signal input bobSpendAmount;
      signal input bobSpendInnerPartialRecord;
      signal input t;
      signal input tPrime;
      signal input alice_ak_X;
      signal input alice_ak_Y;
      signal input bob_ak_X;
      signal input bob_ak_Y;
      signal input alice_R8x;
      signal input alice_R8y;
      signal input aliceSig;
      signal input bob_R8x;
      signal input bob_R8y;
      signal input bobSig;
      signal input aliceSpendPathElements[levels];
      signal input aliceSpendPathIndices;
      signal input aliceSpendNullifier; // Public Input
      signal input bobSpendPathElements[levels];
      signal input bobSpendPathIndices;
      signal input bobSpendNullifier; // Public Input
      signal input swapChainID; // Public Input
      signal input roots[length]; // Public Input
      signal input currentTimestamp; // Public Input
      signal input aliceChangeChainID;
      signal input aliceChangeAssetID;
      signal input aliceChangeTokenID;
      signal input aliceChangeAmount;
      signal input aliceChangeInnerPartialRecord;
      signal input aliceChangeRecord; // Public Input
      signal input bobChangeChainID;
      signal input bobChangeAssetID;
      signal input bobChangeTokenID;
      signal input bobChangeAmount;
      signal input bobChangeInnerPartialRecord;
      signal input bobChangeRecord; // Public Input
      signal input aliceReceiveChainID;
      signal input aliceReceiveAssetID;
      signal input aliceReceiveTokenID;
      signal input aliceReceiveAmount;
      signal input aliceReceiveInnerPartialRecord;
      signal input aliceReceiveRecord; // Public Input
      signal input bobReceiveChainID;
      signal input bobReceiveAssetID;
      signal input bobReceiveTokenID;
      signal input bobReceiveAmount;
      signal input bobReceiveInnerPartialRecord;
      signal input bobReceiveRecord; // Public Input
  2. The relayer creates the swap ZKP and submits it to the MASP smart contract.

Swap Circuit Constraints

Corresponding AssetIDs and TokenIDs are equal

aliceSpendAssetID === aliceChangeAssetID;
aliceReceiveAssetID === bobSpendAssetID;
bobSpendAssetID === bobChangeAssetID;
bobReceiveAssetID === aliceSpendAssetID;
aliceSpendTokenID === aliceChangeTokenID;
aliceReceiveTokenID === bobSpendTokenID;
bobSpendTokenID === bobChangeTokenID;
bobReceiveTokenID === aliceSpendTokenID;

Funds are neither created nor destroyed

aliceSpendAmount === aliceChangeAmount + bobReceiveAmount;
bobSpendAmount === bobChangeAmount + aliceReceiveAmount;

Swap Message Hash is Signed By Both Alice and Bob

The swap message is:


Alice and Bob each sign with their spending keys sk and we verify the signature on the circuit with their public keys ak.

Alice and Bob Spend Records are in some Merkle tree

// Check Alice Spend Merkle Proof
    component aliceSpendPartialRecordHasher = PartialRecord();
    aliceSpendPartialRecordHasher.chainID <== swapChainID;
    aliceSpendPartialRecordHasher.pk_X <== alice_pk_X;
    aliceSpendPartialRecordHasher.pk_Y <== alice_pk_Y;
    aliceSpendPartialRecordHasher.innerPartialRecord <== aliceSpendInnerPartialRecord;
    component aliceSpendRecordHasher = Record();
    aliceSpendRecordHasher.assetID <== aliceSpendAssetID;
    aliceSpendRecordHasher.tokenID <== aliceSpendTokenID;
    aliceSpendRecordHasher.amount <== aliceSpendAmount;
    aliceSpendRecordHasher.partialRecord <== aliceSpendPartialRecordHasher.partialRecord;

    component aliceMerkleProof = ManyMerkleProof(levels, length);
	aliceMerkleProof.leaf <== aliceSpendRecordHasher.record;
	aliceMerkleProof.pathIndices <== aliceSpendPathIndices;
	for (var i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
	aliceMerkleProof.pathElements[i] <== aliceSpendPathElements[i];
	aliceMerkleProof.isEnabled <== 1;
	for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		aliceMerkleProof.roots[i] <== roots[i];

    // Check Bob Spend Merkle Proof
    component bobSpendPartialRecordHasher = PartialRecord();
    bobSpendPartialRecordHasher.chainID <== swapChainID;
    bobSpendPartialRecordHasher.pk_X <== bob_pk_X;
    bobSpendPartialRecordHasher.pk_Y <== bob_pk_Y;
    bobSpendPartialRecordHasher.innerPartialRecord <== bobSpendInnerPartialRecord;
    component bobSpendRecordHasher = Record();
    bobSpendRecordHasher.assetID <== bobSpendAssetID;
    bobSpendRecordHasher.tokenID <== bobSpendTokenID;
    bobSpendRecordHasher.amount <== bobSpendAmount;
    bobSpendRecordHasher.partialRecord <== bobSpendPartialRecordHasher.partialRecord;

    component bobMerkleProof = ManyMerkleProof(levels, length);
	bobMerkleProof.leaf <== bobSpendRecordHasher.record;
	bobMerkleProof.pathIndices <== bobSpendPathIndices;
	for (var i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
	bobMerkleProof.pathElements[i] <== bobSpendPathElements[i];
	bobMerkleProof.isEnabled <== 1;
	for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		bobMerkleProof.roots[i] <== roots[i];

Alice and Bob’s Change and Receive Records constructed correctly

// Check Alice and Bob Change/Receive Records constructed correctly
    component aliceChangePartialRecordHasher = PartialRecord();
    aliceChangePartialRecordHasher.chainID <== aliceChangeChainID;
    aliceChangePartialRecordHasher.pk_X <== alice_pk_X;
    aliceChangePartialRecordHasher.pk_Y <== alice_pk_Y;
    aliceChangePartialRecordHasher.innerPartialRecord <== aliceChangeInnerPartialRecord;
    component aliceChangeRecordHasher = Record();
    aliceChangeRecordHasher.assetID <== aliceChangeAssetID;
    aliceChangeRecordHasher.tokenID <== aliceChangeTokenID;
    aliceChangeRecordHasher.amount <== aliceChangeAmount;
    aliceChangeRecordHasher.partialRecord <== aliceChangePartialRecordHasher.partialRecord;
    aliceChangeRecordHasher.record === aliceChangeRecord;

    component aliceReceivePartialRecordHasher = PartialRecord();
    aliceReceivePartialRecordHasher.chainID <== aliceReceiveChainID;
    aliceReceivePartialRecordHasher.pk_X <== alice_pk_X;
    aliceReceivePartialRecordHasher.pk_Y <== alice_pk_Y;
    aliceReceivePartialRecordHasher.innerPartialRecord <== aliceReceiveInnerPartialRecord;
    component aliceReceiveRecordHasher = Record();
    aliceReceiveRecordHasher.assetID <== aliceReceiveAssetID;
    aliceReceiveRecordHasher.tokenID <== aliceReceiveTokenID;
    aliceReceiveRecordHasher.amount <== aliceReceiveAmount;
    aliceReceiveRecordHasher.partialRecord <== aliceReceivePartialRecordHasher.partialRecord;
    aliceReceiveRecordHasher.record === aliceReceiveRecord;

    component bobChangePartialRecordHasher = PartialRecord();
    bobChangePartialRecordHasher.chainID <== bobChangeChainID;
    bobChangePartialRecordHasher.pk_X <== bob_pk_X;
    bobChangePartialRecordHasher.pk_Y <== bob_pk_Y;
    bobChangePartialRecordHasher.innerPartialRecord <== bobChangeInnerPartialRecord;
    component bobChangeRecordHasher = Record();
    bobChangeRecordHasher.assetID <== bobChangeAssetID;
    bobChangeRecordHasher.tokenID <== bobChangeTokenID;
    bobChangeRecordHasher.amount <== bobChangeAmount;
    bobChangeRecordHasher.partialRecord <== bobChangePartialRecordHasher.partialRecord;
    bobChangeRecordHasher.record === bobChangeRecord;

    component bobReceivePartialRecordHasher = PartialRecord();
    bobReceivePartialRecordHasher.chainID <== bobReceiveChainID;
    bobReceivePartialRecordHasher.pk_X <== bob_pk_X;
    bobReceivePartialRecordHasher.pk_Y <== bob_pk_Y;
    bobReceivePartialRecordHasher.innerPartialRecord <== bobReceiveInnerPartialRecord;
    component bobReceiveRecordHasher = Record();
    bobReceiveRecordHasher.assetID <== bobReceiveAssetID;
    bobReceiveRecordHasher.tokenID <== bobReceiveTokenID;
    bobReceiveRecordHasher.amount <== bobReceiveAmount;
    bobReceiveRecordHasher.partialRecord <== bobReceivePartialRecordHasher.partialRecord;
    bobReceiveRecordHasher.record === bobReceiveRecord;

Alice and Bob’s Spend Record Nullifiers Constructed Correctly

// Check Alice and Bob Spend Nullifiers constructed correctly
    component aliceNullifierHasher = Nullifier();
    aliceNullifierHasher.record <== aliceSpendRecordHasher.record;
    aliceNullifierHasher.pathIndices <== aliceSpendPathIndices;
    aliceNullifierHasher.nullifier === aliceSpendNullifier;

    component bobNullifierHasher = Nullifier();
    bobNullifierHasher.record <== bobSpendRecordHasher.record;
    bobNullifierHasher.pathIndices <== bobSpendPathIndices;
    bobNullifierHasher.nullifier === bobSpendNullifier;

Swap Smart Contract Implementation

The Multi Asset Variable Anchor is a variable-denominated shielded pool system derived from Tornado Nova (tornado-pool) that supports multiple assets in a single pool. This system extends the shielded pool system into a bridged system and allows for join/split transactions of different assets at 2 same time.

The system is built on top the MultiAssetVAnchorBase/AnchorBase/LinkableAnchor system which allows it to be linked to other VAnchor contracts through a simple graph-like interface where anchors maintain edges of their neighboring anchors.

Part of the benefit of a MASP is the ability to handle multiple assets in a single pool. To support this, the system uses a assetId field in the UTXO to identify the asset. One thing to remember is that all assets in the pool must be wrapped ERC20 tokens specific to the pool. We refer to this tokens as the bridge ERC20 tokens. Part of the challenge of building the MASP then is dealing with the mapping between bridge ERC20s and their asset IDs.

Why the Relayer Cannot Tamper With Data

Note, it is largely impossible for the relayer to tamper with the Spend Record data because if it does, the proof of membership in one-of-many Merkle trees will fail.

Where the relayer has free reign is to change the data in the Change and Receive Records, as well as t and tPrime. Let’s consider a few attacks and see why they don’t work.

Relayer changes data in the Change/Receive Records but does NOT change the swap message hash signatures

If the swap message hash signatures are not changed by the relayer, the only way they will verify is if we feed the uncorrupted Change and Receive Record commitments into the Poseidon hasher for the swap message hash. In this case, if the relayer changes data in the Change/Receive Records, constraints such as:

bobReceiveRecordHasher.record === bobReceiveRecord;

This will not verify.

So now it is clear that to tamper with data, the relayer must change the data inside the swap message. The only way it can do so is by signing this bogus data with its own keys.

Relayer changes data inside the swap message and signs it with its own keys

In this case, it will feed an incorrect ak into the circuit so that the signature verifies. But the pk corresponding to this ak will form a non-existent Spend Record and the one-of-many Merkle proof for the Spend Record will not pass.