Protocol Definitions

Protocol Definitions

This document provides an overview of the protocol definitions used in the Anchor system, detailing key elements such as the Typed Chain ID, Target System, Resource ID, FunctionSig, Nonce, and Proposal Header.

Typed Chain ID

The Typed Chain ID is a unique Webb-specific chain identifier that is composed of a chain or virtual machine type and the respective identifier.
Size: 6 bytes

Target System

The Target System is relevant for identifying the actual resource / system / contract that is being targeted in the proposal lifecycle.
Size: 26 bytes

Resource ID

The Resource ID is essential for identifying the system on which the proposal is being executed and interacted with. It contains the Target System and the Typed Chain ID to be communicated with.
Size: 32 bytes
Structure: (TargetSystem, TypedChainId)


FunctionSig is relevant for EVM networks, where call data is generic and not directly executable at a specific function.
Size: 4 bytes


Relevant for tracking updates to contracts.
Size: 4 bytes

Proposal Header

The Proposal Header includes the Resource ID, FunctionSig, and Nonce.
Size: 40 bytes
Structure: (Resource ID, FunctionSig, Nonce)

By understanding these protocol definitions, you can better comprehend the structure and components used in the Anchor system.