Stats Dapp


The Proposal page visualizes the proposer threshold parameters, and all the proposals that have been proposed to the DKG to be signed. Proposals are essentially messages that have been proposed to enact a change within the protocol. Proposals are proposed by proposers and must pass a threshold in order to be signed by the DKG.

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Proposal Status

The Proposal Status section displays the current state of the proposal threshold parameters. The parameters are as follows:

  • Proposal threshold: Active proposers vote on and if the vote threshold is met, the proposal is passed on to the DKG to be signed.
  • Proposers: Vote on proposals to be signed by the DKG. The valid proposers is superset of the current DKG authorities. Active DKG authorities are continuously rotated into the proposer set.

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Proposals Overtime

The stacked area graph displays the number of proposals that have been proposed overtime. The graph is broken down by the proposal type. For an in-depth review of all proposal types please refer to the application specific proposals and global proposals here, and here.

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Proposals Table

The proposal table displays all the proposals that have been submitted to the network, the status of those proposals, the type of proposal, and the chain in which the proposal was derived from. More precisely, the table headers can be defined as the following:

  • Status: The status of the proposal (e.g. signed, opened, rejected).
  • Height: The block height the proposal was submitted in.
  • Type: The type of proposal (e.g. AnchorUpdate, AddToken).
  • Proposers: The proposers that voted on the proposal.
  • Chain: The chain the proposal was submitted from.

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Proposal Details

Selecting the Details button on a proposal will display the proposal details page. Here you can view the decoded data of the proposal, the proposers that voted on the proposal, and the distribution of votes.

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